18 January 18: In search of graffiti

Hello lovely people.

Another late one, I’m afraid, this time on account of a phone malfunction (read ‘The black screen of death’ = living without oxygen may well be easier than being phoneless 🤔.

Thanks to second-in-command and his iPad) and because I’ve been up to my eyeballs with shooting for the book. The project has taken me over to East London which, I have concluded, is THE place to be if you’re after colour on walls: this graffiti near Cambridge Heath Road and the van near Whitechapel, for example.

Great forms and colours, don’t you think? Where do I need to go next in pursuit of great graffiti? Is it the UK or do I need to travel further afield? Suggestions, please.

Martha, The Colour File x

East London grafitti pic

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