17 April 18: Balloon Flower (Red)

I read once that adrenaline heightens memory (which is why, I guess, shocking things often become lodged in our thoughts). For example, I distinctly remember where I was on 9/11. I’d just started a day working at The Sun and we all stood watching the newsroom’s TV screens, transfixed and disbelieving, as the day’s cataclysmic events unfolded. Last week I finally visited the memorial to those who died (the roll-call makes sobering reading and makes you count your many blessings). But nestled right next to it is a large shiny red, stainless steel balloon sculpture by Jeff Koons, bringing unexpected colour to a sombre space. That’s apparently the point of ‘Balloon Flower (Red)’ being out there – the architects of nearby 7 World Trade Center thought that amidst the tragedy, everybody should ‘walk by [the sculpture] and smile.’ It certainly worked for me (can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to get up close and personal with a Koons sculpture. That definitely made this girl smile). Big love to you all, folks.

Martha, The Colour File x

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