Monthly Archives: June 2018

20 May 18: Garden weed shelfie

Hands up who’s gardening today? I recently read a survey about gardening habits in the [...]

19 May 18: Did you blub, too?

OK, can we have a chat about this? What exactly IS it that makes us [...]

18 May 18: First pair of shoes?

Can you remember your favourite pair of shoes from your childhood? Mine were silver and [...]

17 May 18: Grey sofa confessional

Are you sitting down? I have some shocking colour news. (Fortunately when I heard it [...]

16 May 18: Finding my colour tribe

Have you found your tribe? No? Keep looking: it’s worth it, I tell you. In [...]

14 May 18: ‘Shelfie’ is on its way!

BOOK NEWS!!!!!! OK, so I’m seriously excited. Some of you know (because you’ve been an [...]

14 May 18: Addicted to candles

I love candles. In fact, as you can see, I have a candle-buying addiction (this [...]

12 May 18: Best of British design

Hi folks. How’s your weekend shaping up? Revision looms large at Colour File HQ but [...]

11 May 18: Scratching the creative itch

Does anyone else here suffer from ‘creative itch’? No, it’s not something you should be [...]

10 May 18: An app for wallpaper perspective

Gosh, is that the time already? Apologies for my tardiness in posting today. I’ve been [...]