13 July 18: Picture wall joy

Good morning, folks.

I know it’s only 24 hours since Shelfie was published, but I felt the need to deviate for a brief moment and post a snap of the picture wall I’ve been working on this morning. Normally, this blackboard wall has chalk scrawlings all over it courtesy of second-in-command plus friends (yes, some of the drawings ARE too rude to mention 😳). I’ve just repainted it and thought that before it was pounced upon by tweenagers and made salacious once again, I’d take a moment to fill it with a few of my favourite colourful things. There’s all sorts here including @frompaperchase @philipnormal patches, gorgeous @dawnuart pen and ink postcards, a divine multi-spot @natandrewson piece from New York in April and a @kurtgeiger bag that I have been known to stroke because I love it so much. There’s also a De La Soul ticket from a gig I went to in the 90s and Warhol postcards I bought when I was 16, proving that a) I’ve always been a colour magpie and b) I’ve always been a party girl 💃🏼Right, normal book plugging duties to resume shortly. Big love 💕 

Martha, The Colour File x

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