Yellow shelfie – and yellow love

Ah, yellow! How I love you! But we both know it hasn’t always been that way.

Let me explain: It wasn’t that I ever disliked you, it’s just you didn’t appear on my radar.

But since the emergence of Gen Z yellow, I’ve realised I probably loved you all along, deep inside. Maybe thats why the colour of my book, Shelfie, ended up yellow (see third pic).

I was thrilled to see that yellow has taken over the latest issue of @stylistmagazinewith articles including what it means if you like wearing yellow (as I mentioned on a previous Colour File blog, it’s the colour we are generally most reluctant to wear for fear of being judged) and Robyn Wilder’s evocative piece about her mum’s yellow biriani @orbyn Love it all.

In praise of Stylist’s yellow adoration, I did this yellow shelfie yesterday, showcasing some of my favourite yellow objects and books from Colour File HQ.

I also opened up an email today and, waddyaknow? I found this bright array of yellow objects popping out at me (second pic – I want them ALL!)

Oh, and look what’s gone and happened: the sun has come out. Today, all roads, it would seem, lead to yellow. See, yellow, it’s not just me that loves you 😘💛💛💛

Martha, The Colour File x

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