Are you brave with colour?

I’m on a proper colour roll today…

Here’s another close-up I took in my living room the other day. The blue glass vase was £4 from a charity shop and I adore it. Handy hint: if an old glass vase looks dull and dingy on the inside from years of use, put Viakal in it, leave for a while then scrub gently with wire wool. It’ll come out super-sparkling.

The mixed roses remind me of my wedding bouquet back in 2002. The florist didn’t really ‘get’ what I wanted at that time. ‘Brides usually go for pale colours…’ she suggested, but I had something in my minds eye and I wouldn’t be persuaded otherwise.

Thankfully – and I think Insta is largely credited with this – people’s colour bravery is much more supported now. It seems that anything goes when it comes to colour and I love that.

Are you braver with colour than you’ve ever been? And do you find people (and society) more accepting of this?

Martha, The Colour File x

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