Author Archives: biteintonet

Shelfie book in Stella magazine

It’s only four days until Shelfie is in the shops and today it’s getting an [...]

Ocean and river plastic collage

Recently, I’ve been creating a series of Thames plastic collages, set against different coloured backgrounds. [...]

6 July 18: Sweet pea shelfie

Ah, sweet peas! What’s not to love? When I bought these the other day, the [...]

5 July 18: A week to go!

Hello, lovely friends. When I submitted the manuscript for Shelfie to @octopus_books_ back in January, [...]

3 July 18: Shelfie books for looks

Happy Tuesday, folks. Recently, I had a conversation with someone who was shocked that I [...]

2 July 18: The art of furniture-shifting

Are you a furniture-shifter?  Guilty as charged. When I was a kid, I loved nothing [...]

The perfect coffee table

Did I ever tell you about my coffee table (see here, in the foreground)? I [...]

Cafe Nerro indigo

Do you ever come across a colour that makes you think, ‘I need to see [...]

29 June 18: Tales of Walton Street SW3

When I was kid, my mum told me she was known by friends at her [...]

27 June 18: Shelfie is on her way!!!

I have a question for you: is a book masculine or feminine? Ships are shes [...]